Thursday, May 31, 2012

Dr. Oz's Metabolism Speed Up Tips

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories

Friday, May 11, 2012

Washington Post Article on Obesity in the United States

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories

Friday, May 04, 2012

Plank with Block

Place the long side of a  block between your adductors or inner thighs. Get into plank position on your elbows and toes. Keep your head, neck and back aligned. Pull your pelvis toward your navel and lengthen your tailbone toward your heels, engaging your abdominal muscles. Simultaneously squeeze the block. Hold for at least five breaths and five times. Rest in Balasana or child's pose, after this exercise.

More difficult version: Hold free weights that will give you a workout and that you can use for at least two sets of ten repetitions. As you are in a plank position with the block between your thighs, keep your arms straight, without locking your elbows, and lift one free weight off the floor at a time.

This exercise is in an article by yoga teacher trainer Jason Crandell, in the June 2012 edition of Yoga Journal, page 52.

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories

Variation of Boat Pose for Core Muscles

Lie down on a mat with your knees bent and toe tips on the floor. Place a block between your thighs with the longest side of it parallel to your inner thighs. Feel your sitting bones on the floor. Draw your lower abdominal muscles toward your spine, lifting your feet and legs. Simultaneously squeeze the block between your adductors, or inner thighs. Your torso and thighs will be about 45 degrees diagonal to the floor. Your abdominal muscles, inner thighs, and hip flexors will contract together. Reach your arms forward at the same level as your shoulders. Keep the pose for about five breaths. Repeat five times.

More difficult version: Use free weights that will give you a good workout and that you can hold up with your arms parallel to your shoulders as you hold the block between your legs and bring your torso and thighs together as alternate type of sit ups. Perform for at least two sets of ten repetitions.

This exercise is in an article by yoga teacher trainer Jason Crandell, in the June 2012 edition of Yoga Journal, page 52.

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories

Warm Up Core -- Abdominal Muscles

Lie down on the floor with bent knees. Use your abdominal muscles to keep your lower back on the floor. Place a block between your legs so that the long side is parallel to your adductors or inner thighs, and squeeze for 10 to 20 seconds, depending on your ability. Your pelvis will be in a posterior tilt: They will be up and away from the top of your thighs until your lower back is on the floor.Feel as if you are pulling your navel toward your spine. Do this at the  same time for 10 to 20 seconds, according to your ability, at least five times.

This exercise is in an article by yoga teacher trainer Jason Crandell, in the June 2012 edition of Yoga Journal, page50.

My third book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, is available on and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories