A good way to get out of a plateau is to work out in different planes: frontal, sagittal, and transverse.
For instance, grab a kettlebell and lift it up and down slowly, then across the front of your body, then front to back. After that, go from over your left shoulder to your right foot, then over your right shoulder to your left foot.
Add jumps from one foot to another as you are doing this for a plyometric workout.
The latest book, Musings, is available at: http://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/louiza-patsis-phd/musings/paperback/product.
My other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or AmazonMy other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket
Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or Amazon.