Monday, April 22, 2019

Too High Amounts of Blood HDL

If more studies are done to confirm this, it is more evidence that extremes are [usually] not good. High, but not too high, HDL blood level, is healthy.

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Podcast on Nutrition and Pharmaceuticals

I am usually middle of the road in politics and more. Drugs can be good. Or they can be harmful or unneeded. It sounds like some alternative medicine is always good, even if you think of meditation as such. The mind-body connection is always important.

I thought as a teenager that medical school education is outdated, and it's one reason I did not go.

Explore my fitness, poetry/short stories and bullying children's book at

Wednesday, April 17, 2019


Gyrotonics seems like a good body alignment and strengthening exercise with benefits for flexibility as well. Little stress is placed on the joints. I do not think it can fully take the place of exercise, but may be good to replace an exercise program one day a week to change things up and at the same time work on strength, flexibility and the coordination between muscles, bones and breathing three-dimensionally.

The latter is interesting. We work out in the frontal, sagittal and transverse planes. Working out in all three simultaneously for some seconds at a time at least can get us off a plateau and ready us for everyday movements better (unless you are only a couch potato.)

Explore my fitness, poetry/short stories and bullying children's book at

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Diet Cholesterol Does Not Affect Blood Cholesterol?

I heard this on an interview with Dr. Jordan Petersen. I will have to review it. It seems unbelievable.

Explore my fitness, poetry/short stories and bullying children's book at