Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Some Easy Food Substitutes for Dieting

Hey, I thought of writing this yesterday. I have not written for a while. I am in a Ph.D. program and editing my fitness book The Pocket Guide to Fitness, which will be out soon. You will be able to buy it on, and How are you all? Have you been using any of my tips?I do not have a nutrition degree, but know a thing or two on nutrition. I looked up calories since I was nine years old!

I am Greek and they say we have one of the best diets. Greek people balance it all, from the wine and salad, to the fruit and dessert. Again, I believe in seeing a physician first for a checkup, and then getting to know your body and what you need. If you are dieting, as in a low carbohydrate diet, here are some perk-me-up foods you can have while you are dieting, partly as substitutes for other foods and partly to perk up your food.

1. Cinnamon
2. Ketchup
3. Mustard
4. Coffee, including decaffeinated
5. Egg whites
6. Diet Soda
7. Sweet'N Low®
8. Jell-O®
9. Light yogurt pops
10. None-fat cheese
11. None-fat cream cheese, including with vegetables
12. None-fat whipped cream

There may have been studies that some of these are bad for your health. This is no doubt when they are used in excess, and this varies by person. Do your research!

Check out my Web site at! I have two great books, the children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair and the poetry and short story book Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories that make great holiday gifts!

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