Thursday, December 20, 2018

Sit on the Edge of a Bench for Your Abdominal Muscles

Do you think this is easy? Not!

Sit on the edge of a bench or hard chair. Secure yourself with your hands on either side of it. Bend you legs and lift your thighs from the seat. Straighten and bend your legs in front of you. Do four sets of ten repetitions, if you can!

Find my book Pocket Guide to Fitness and other books on and They make great reads and gifts!

Merry Christmas! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Great Gift Ideas: My Books

Explore my fitness, poetry/short stories and bullying children's book at

Friday, November 30, 2018

Ideas Besides the Gym

Pan Metron ariston," Socrates said. To everything excess is bad and the middle road is best or "ariston."

This is usually the case. Often, we do not stretch. going to the gym, especially if your day involves a lot of walking or household chores, can overstress your muscles and bones. Check in for yourself. everyone is different.

It may be a good idea to take a break for a few weeks or months. Doing the opposite, like getting massages and stretching may be a good idea. You can swim or go for a walk for exercise.

It is always good to change things up. This may get you off a weight plateau and work out different muscles.

This link has some good ideas to take the place of the gym for a while.

Do not forget to check out my book Pocket Guide to Fitness on and It makes a great Christmas gift.

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Squat and Throw a Weight Ball

If no one is using an exercise rack, perform squats in front of it and throw a weight ball against the top part of the rack. Catch the ball as you stand. The weight ball should be heavy enough for a workout but not so heavy that it interferes with your balance.

This works out your upper and lower body.

Repeat for two to four sets of 10 repetitions, according to ability.

Check out my book Pocket Guide to Fitness on

Squat with Bent Knee

This is an advanced exercise, especially if not done on a machine. Perform a squat. When bending your knees, place one leg behind the other. Bend one knee behind the other. This varies muscle fibers used and may sculpt your legs (along with other exercise and perhaps dieting).

Do two sets of 10 repetitions and repeat, alternating legs.

Check out my book Pocket Guide to Fitness on

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Healthy Food Options

Great post on healthy food:

Check out my book Pocket Guide to Fitness on

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Resistance Training before Cardiovascular Training

Generally, or for big muscles like quadriceps and exercises like squats, do them before cardiovascular training. One reason is that you don't want to tire them out before half an hour or more of cardiovascular training. More information is here: