I saw a film by Aubrey Gordon called Your Fat Friend. It was part of the Athena Film Festival, which has been going on for 14 years. I only found out about it because of an advertisement at a bus stop near where I live!
I have science degrees and have been a certified fitness trainer for years. I have mixed feelings about the film.
It is wonderful that Aubrey has her voice and talked about her experiences. Scientists have not figured out how much our body frame and weight have to do with genes. Epigenetics may have something to do with it. Maybe types of food in our particular body chemistry or trauma, even generational trauma, affect metabolism and body weight.
I have written here years ago that Body Mass Index is not accurate to use for health. For instance, a man who is short and muscular with almost no body fat may be deemed obese if a health professional uses primarily BMI for the assessment. It should be taken into account with many other factors. Look up my past posts. I do not understand, however, that it fully is an aspect that men or white men use.
I cannot believe the hatred and malcontent that people expressed to Aubrey online. We are more than our bodies. It is difficult to look at oneself that way. Perhaps talking to veterans who have lost a limb can help us not view ourselves as our bodies that highly. Of course, if you have a good religious and spiritual background, you will emphasize and feel that part of your body more. The people who expressed hateful things to Aubrey have problems. perhaps some at least have been bullied severely.
I do not understand why Aubrey thinks "fat" should be used instead of words like "curvy" or "overweight." A woman can be curvy and have lots of muscle and a healthy amount of fat. A person can be overweight, which I'd define as a few pounds over the weight that ideally would have their organs and movement work at or near their peak. I would describe fat as at least 20 pounds overweight, but that may differ by individual and at different times in the year or their life.
I do think that, in general, weight and fat content, if too high, and this can be different for each body. I always look at a yin-yang balance of things, for instance, art and science. I also as a trainer, have usually been correct in sizing people up by energy, skin, movement, and fat versus muscle content. So yes, "fat" people can be judged as unfit often while thinking people may just have a "straight" body type, have little muscle-to-fat ratio, or even be sick!
People judge what is fat differently. I have been viewed as fat in all sizes from six to my size today. Most, if not all, people were unhealthy, fat, and not fit next to me. Aubrey funnily pointed out that some fat people would say that she is not fat enough. She is not as big as a television show I see with a doctor who helps people around 600 pounds lose weight before surgery.
I did not hear Aubrey, though, talk about what her eating disorder is. You cannot push aside an eating disorder and mask it by talking about it in one sentence. What has she done to combat this? Did she start eating too much at a young age, or was it genetic or both? She could talk more about how her father's leaving affected it. yes, her mother could have asked her to talk to [a good] child psychologist and prompt her to take part in physical exercise or develop a physical hobby she likes. [It is wonder how she walked with her cute god Flynn.] Why did her father want him to avoid sugar? Most food she ate was very healthy, and you can have sugar, fat, and salt in balance and with movement.
Yes, MOVEMENT, being a healthy weight, one that is healthy for your heart and bones, and allows you to comfortably and effectively move and play has to involve movement. In fact, I think movement for most is more important than diet. You can burn calories and your body needs all nutrients, not to mention, you exercise your heart and lungs! Most health professionals I have talked to have picked a diet. I have not talked to many, though.
I am compassionate and have heard many insults come my way since grammar school, yet I am also a bit of a drill sergeant trainer. Balance is needed.
I'd like to hear more from Aubrey about this. Continue speaking out, tell us more, and enjoy Portland while walking and more in Nature.
I conduct Zoom workout sessions. Send me a message if you are interested.
The latest one, Musings https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/louiza-patsis-phd/musings/paperback/product
My other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or AmazonMy other short story and poetry book Life, Work and Play, fitness book Pocket
Guide to Fitness (two versions and the anti-bullying children's book The Boy in a Wheelchair are available on Authorhouse or Amazon.
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