Friday, December 09, 2011

Variation on Quadriceps Using Leg Extension Machine

Raise and lower your legs at two-second intervals for each motions. Repeat for four sets of ten repetitions. You may find you will break into a sweat and get more good pain from one set of these than you get from four sets of regular one-motion repetitions.

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Variation on Squats Using Swiss Ball

Take a medium- or small-sized Swiss ball and place it between your thighs. Squeeze. Sit and stand up form a seat. It is more difficult if you go up to an inch over the seat, not completely sitting down. Repeat for four sets of ten repetitions.

This primarily works out your inner thigh and gluteus maximus muscles.

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Skin and Food from Martha Stewart

Food and Nuts from Martha Stewart Living

December 2011 Issue, page 49

Watercress: A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that daily serving of watercress increased blood cells’ ability to resist DNA damage

Cinnamon: stabilizes blood sugar, may help to prevent diabetes, contains longevity-promoting properties that enhance cell function

Berries: contains the pigments anthocyanins that activate cell protective mechanisms that prevent collagen breakdown

Turmeric: contains curcuminoids that trigger activity of cell-protective enzymes and inhibit microscarring of collagen that leads to wrinkles

Cocoa: inhibits wrinkle-producing chain of reactions, stops production of inflammatory arachidonic acid protects skin from sun damage

Salmon: is rich in omega-3 fatty acids and high in collagen-building protein and anti-oxidant that prevent DNA damage from free radicals

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Nuts According to Martha Stewart

From the December Martha Stewart Living,

December 2011 Issue, page 58
Nut Health Facts

Almonds: vitamin B riboflavin, vitamin E, anti-aging antioxidant, magnesium, and molecules that prevent oxidation that leads to heart disease

Peanuts: folate, oleic acid, resveratrol – a heart anti-oxidant also found in red wine and chocolate

Pistachios: potassium, may reduce stress

Walnuts: alpha-linoleic acid, an omega-3 that boosts cognitive function, and disease-fighting gammatocopherol, a type of vitamin E

Hazelnuts: proanthocyanidins that may help strengthen blood vessels, reduce heart disease and boost brain health

Pecans: high ORAC score (antioxidant measurement), may delay age-related cognitive decline

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Sunday, December 04, 2011

Body Over Mind?

This can be true at times...Or spirit, mind, and body change places in what is "ruling" at a given moment. Perhaps it is best for spirit to usually prevail. Check out the video by Kimerer Lamothe, Ph.D.

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Tips on Motivation

From Linked In Boo Sadikot

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.

Friday, December 02, 2011

From Healthcare-Now: US Ranks Last on Preventable Deaths Among High-Income Nations

My fourth book, Pocket Guide to Fitness, Edition II, is available on,, and If you look up my name on those Web sites, you will find my other books The Boy in a Wheelchair and Life, Work and Play: Poems and Short Stories.