Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Climb the Stairs!

The blog of December 6, 2005 reviewed the importance of interval training in cardiovascular and muscle fitness and in getting off workout plateaus. Even if you are a beginner, it is easy to incorporate interval training into your exercise routine. Incorporating it is easy, of course, but actually doing it may be tough. Start off slowly. Ask a physician’s permission first, as when you go for your annual physical check-up. Here are some ways to incorporate interval training in your exercise routines:

For cardiovascular training:

You can alter the speed and – or incline on a treadmill for a minute or for two minutes. You can alter the speed and resistance on a stationary bicycle for a minute or for two minutes. You can alter the resistance on a stairmaster for a minute or for two minutes.

For weight training:

In between sets, you can do one of the following activities. Choose one per day or week.

Activity One:

Jog in place. Do this for a minute or two minutes between sets.

Activity Two:

Run up and down the stairs. Do this for a minute or two minutes between sets.

Activity Three:

Jump rope. Do this for a minute or two minutes between sets.

Activity Four:

Put on boxing gloves. Hit a punching bag. Do this for a minute or two minutes between sets.

Don't forget to check out!

Disclaimer: Information on this blog is posted for information purposes, not as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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