Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Possible Upper Arm Three-Month Exercise Routine II

Here is a possible three-month program to sculpt your upper arms. Feel your body and look in the mirror to see results. If these exercises do not seem to work, increase the repetitions or sets, or use a substitute exercise. For all of the exercises, exhale when you lift the weight or exert the most muscle tension, and inhale when you return to the beginning position. Use a weight that gives you a workout but is not too tough. Rest the muscle in between days that you work it out as a primary mover.

Day One:

Use the Gravitron machine. Ask a personal trainer if you do not know which machine it is. Put the pin at the amount of weight you want the machine to lift. If you subtract this from your body weight, that is the amount of weihgt that your body is lifting. The machine will have an illustration of the tywo basic movements – pull ups, that work the biceps and upper back (secondary) muscles, and pull downs, tha twork the tricpes and chest (secondary) muscles.

Do five sets of ten repetitions of pull ups.

Do five sets of ten repetitions of pull downs.

Day Two:

Use a biceps (arm curl) machine. Do five sets of ten repetitions of biceps curls.
Since you are doing biceps once a week, use a weight that challenges you and does not give you pain.

Day Three:

Use a triceps (arm extension) machine. Do five sets of ten repetitions of biceps curls. Since you are doing triceps once a week, use a weight that challenges you and does not give you pain.

Day Four:

Use dumbbells to work out your shoulders. Pick a weight that you are comfortable with and that will give you a good workout. Stand with legs shoulder-width apart and knees bent. Keep your back straight. Grasp the dumbbells with your palms facing toward you. Lift the weights with each arm to your side. Lift the weights slowly and then lower the weights slowly. Repeat without locking your elbows. Do five sets of ten repetitions.Look at the rotator cuff blog for rotator cuff exercises. Do one a week, alternating between the “circles” exercise and the rotator cuff machine exercise.Look at other blogs to find anterior and posterior deltoid exercises.An upcoming blog will describe wrist and forearm exercises.

Don’t forget to check out!

Disclaimer: information on this blog is posted for information purposes, not as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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