Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Gluteus Minimus and Gluteus Medius

The gluteus minimus is a tiny muscle of the hip that is covered by the gluteus maximus. It helps in the following motions: hip abduction (moving the leg away from the body), transverse abduction (abduction of the leg with hip bent as in sitting) and internal rotation (turning the leg toward the body).

The gluteus medius is also hidden by the gluteus maximus. Like the gluteus maximus, it is responsible for these movements: It is responsible for the following hip movements: abduction, transverse abduction (abduction of the leg with hip bent as in sitting), internal rotation (rotating the leg toward the body) and external rotation rotating the leg away from the body.
You can work the gluteus minimus and the gluteus maximus with gluteus maximus exercises. (See Gluteus Maximus and Three-Month Exercise Program I Blog.)

Don't forget to check out!

Some information for this blog was obtained from and Accessed on January 11, 2006

Disclaimer: Information on this blog is posted for information purposes, not as a substitute for professional medical advice

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