Friday, February 03, 2006

Possible Three-Month Chest Exercise Program III

Here is a possible three-month program for your chest. Ladies, do not worry, you will not lose your breasts and look like a man, although you could if you want. Your chest muscles will tighten up. This will make you be strong and feel great. And you will look great, too. Your breasts will lift, although if you have sagging or huge breasts, they will not look very different. The breasts are made up of adipose (fat) tissue. The pectoralis muscles and intercostal (between the ribs) muscles will be work out; your breasts will mainly stay the same. To reduce breast size, you do cardiovascular exercises, as well as overall weight training, to burn calories and lose weight. To not lose breast adipose tissue, which concerns mostly women when they work out, is more difficult. You cannot tell your body what to do. Genetics partly or mostly determines what you lose from where first. You may be working out your legs mostly, but in a period of time lose mostly breast adipose tissue.You can feel your body, and use your spirituality add mentality to affect results. This is something you learn on your own.Feel your body and look in the mirror to see results. If these exercises do not seem to work, increase the repetitions or sets, or use a substitute exercise. For all of the exercises, exhale when you lift the weight or exert the most muscle tension, and inhale when you return to the beginning position. Use a weight that gives you a workout but is not too tough. Rest the muscle in between days that you work it out as a primary mover.

Day One:

Push Ups:

Put your palms on the floor, shoulder width apart, fingers facing forward. Keep your toes on the floor. Keep your back straight. Extend and bend your elbows in slow, smooth motions. Never fully extend your elbows. Exhale when you move up and inhale when you move down. Do five sets of ten repetitions.

Day Two:

Bench Press:

See prior blog. Do five sets of ten repetitions. Rest two days after this exercise.

Day Three:

Cable Rack:

You use one arm at a time. If you stand to the left of the cable rack, you use your right arm. Adjust the weight to one that gives you a work out but not the "wrong kind" of pain. (See the Pain blog.) Put a "handle extension" on the hook. Ask a personal trainer. Put the extension as high as the adjustable cable rack part can go.

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Keep your back and shoulders straight. Pull the cable across, from your right shoulder to your navel. Exhale when you pull and inhale when you release back to starting position slowly. Do not fully extend your elbow. Do five sets of ten repetitions.

Repeat the movement. Either turn around. To face the same way, put the "handle extension" on the other side of the rack. Keep the same stanse and movement. Use your left arm. Do five sets of ten repetitions.

Don't forget to check out!

Disclaimer: Information on this blog is posted for information purposes, not as a substitute for professional medical advice.

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